VOC and Formaldehyde emission test chambers according to ISO 16000-9, EN 16516, GEV testing methods, ASTM D5116, ASTM D6007, EN 717-1
Our standard systems are designed to carry out VOC and Formaldehyde emission tests according to ISO 16000-9, EN 16516, GEV testing methods, ASTM D5116, ASTM D6007, EN 717-1, GREENGUARD UL2818, UL2819, UL2820, UL2821, UL2822, UL2823 and many other technical standards.
A remarkable feature of the 250L/225L test chambers is that they are suitable both for VOC emission tests according to the reference standards descibed above and for formaldehyde tests according to EN 717-1.
Distinctive features for our VOC/formaldehyde mission test chambers:
. tests are fully automated according to the selected reference standard
. ahead call to the operator when the air sampling is required, sent by mail with desired anticipation
. advanced functionalities: purge, cleaning, preconditioning, decay study. Thermal desorption cycled automatically managed by the system.
CLICK HERE to watch our video.
Further information on our VOC and Formaldehyde emission test chambers in the Product Catalogue
Chambers for VOC and formaldehyde emission tests on automotive products, according to various standards, such as PV3942, VDA 276-1, VDA 276-2, ISO DIN 12219-4, ISO DIN 12219-6, ISO 12219-1, GS 97014-3 and many other
CLICK HERE for information on VOC and formaldehyde emission test chambers for automotive applications.